This is an enormous restaurant on the wide blue and green pistes that overlook the snowy basin of the Les Saisies ski area (the biggest resort in the Espace Diamant). It was an oasis below that beckoned a hungry team making their first hike across the high mountain slopes from Praz down into Les Saisies .
So, the pricey menu was not enough to put us off taking advantage of the massive sun terrace overlooking the busy tracks, especially given the beautiful weather that was starting to whittle away at the white on the lower slopes in middle of an unseasonable warm March.
There’s a striking absence of anything on the menu but a substantial main course sure to send all but the most alert into a post lunch doze and empty the wallet. However, the staff were not so snooty to make a fuss about bringing two plates to split a delicious chicken with pepper sauce and frites. And it easily fed both to bursting but still allowed us to retain just enough vitality to make the return trip to Praz. We’ll definitely be back.